Rain Harvest Calculator
Historical Rainfall Data
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Historical Rainfall Data
North Dakota Locations
Select a one of the following North Dakota locations to view its historical rainfall data.
Adams 58210
Alexander 58831
Almont 58520
Ambrose 58833
Amidon 58620
Ashley 58413
Beach 58621
Belcourt 58316
Berthold 58718
Beulah 58523
Bismarck 58503
Bismarck 58504
Bottineau 58318
Bowbells 58721
Bowman 58623
Butte 58723
Cando 58324
Carrington 58421
Carson 58529
Casselton 58012
Cavalier 58220
Center 58530
Churchs Ferry 58325
Cooperstown 58425
Courtenay 58426
Crosby 58730
Devils Lake 58301
Dickinson 58601
Drake 58736
Dunn Center 58626
Edgeley 58433
Edmore 58330
Elgin 58533
Ellendale 58436
Enderlin 58027
Fairfield 58627
Fargo 58102
Fessenden 58438
Flasher 58535
Forbes 58439
Forman 58032
Fortuna 58844
Fullerton 58441
Garrison 58540
Grafton 58237
Grand Forks 58203
Grassy Butte 58634
Hague 58542
Halliday 58636
Hansboro 58339
Harvey 58341
Hazelton 58544
Hebron 58638
Hettinger 58639
Hillsboro 58045
Hope 58046
Jamestown 58401
Keene 58847
Kenmare 58746
Killdeer 58640
Lamoure 58458
Langdon 58249
Lansford 58750
Lidgerwood 58053
Linton 58552
Lisbon 58054
Litchville 58461
Mandan 58554
Manning 58642
Mapleton 58059
Marmarth 58643
Max 58759
Mayville 58257
McClusky 58463
McHenry 58464
McLeod 58057
Medina 58467
Medora 58645
Minnewaukan 58351
Minot 58701
Minot 58703
Moffit 58560
Mohall 58761
Montpelier 58472
Napoleon 58561
New England 58647
New Salem 58563
Oakes 58474
Pembina 58271
Petersburg 58272
Reeder 58649
Regent 58650
Richardton 58652
Riverdale 58565
Rolette 58366
Rugby 58368
Sherwood 58782
Shields 58569
Stanley 58784
Steele 58482
Streeter 58483
Sykeston 58486
Tappen 58487
Taylor 58656
Tioga 58852
Towner 58788
Turtle Lake 58575
Tuttle 58488
Underwood 58576
Upham 58789
Valley City 58072
Velva 58790
Verona 58490
Washburn 58577
Watford City 58854
Westhope 58793
Wildrose 58795
Williston 58801
Willow City 58384
Wilton 58579
Wishek 58495
York 58386
Zap 58580