Rain Harvest Calculator
Historical Rainfall Data
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Historical Rainfall Data
Colorado Locations
Select a one of the following Colorado locations to view its historical rainfall data.
Aguilar 81020
Akron 80720
Alamosa 81101
Almont 81210
Arapahoe 80802
Aspen 81611
Bailey 80421
Bayfield 81122
Bedrock 81411
Bellvue 80512
Beulah 81023
Blanca 81123
Boone 81025
Boulder 80302
Breckenridge 80424
Briggsdale 80611
Brighton 80601
Brush 80723
Buena Vista 81211
Burlington 80807
Byers 80103
Campo 81029
Canon City 81212
Castle Rock 80109
Cedaredge 81413
Cheyenne Wells 80810
Cimarron 81220
Collbran 81624
Colorado Springs 80916
Cortez 81321
Craig 81625
Crawford 81415
Creede 81130
Crested Butte 81224
Cripple Creek 80813
Crook 80726
De Beque 81630
Del Norte 81132
Delta 81416
Denver 80203
Denver 80204
Denver 80215
Denver 80234
Denver 80238
Denver 80249
Dillon 80435
Dinosaur 81610
Dove Creek 81324
Durango 81301
Durango 81303
Eads 81036
Elbert 80106
Elizabeth 80107
Englewood 80112
Estes Park 80517
Evergreen 80439
Fairplay 80440
Flagler 80815
Fleming 80728
Florissant 80816
Fort Collins 80521
Fort Collins 80524
Fort Morgan 80701
Fowler 81039
Fraser 80442
Fruita 81521
Gardner 81040
Gateway 81522
Genoa 80818
Glade Park 81523
Glenwood Springs 81601
Golden 80401
Golden 80403
Grand Junction 81503
Grand Junction 81506
Grand Junction 81507
Grand Lake 80447
Granite 81228
Greeley 80639
Gunnison 81230
Gypsum 81637
Hasty 81044
Haswell 81045
Hayden 81639
Hesperus 81326
Holyoke 80734
Hugo 80821
Idaho Springs 80452
Idalia 80735
Ignacio 81137
Joes 80822
Julesburg 80737
Karval 80823
Kim 81049
Kit Carson 80825
Kremmling 80459
La Junta 81050
Lake City 81235
Lake George 80827
Lamar 81052
Las Animas 81054
Leadville 80461
Limon 80828
Lindon 80740
Littleton 80123
Littleton 80125
Littleton 80127
Livermore 80536
Loveland 80537
Loveland 80538
Mancos 81328
Matheson 80830
Maybell 81640
Meeker 81641
Moffat 81143
Monte Vista 81144
Montrose 81401
Morrison 80465
Mosca 81146
Naturita 81422
New Raymer 80742
Nunn 80648
Ordway 81063
Ouray 81427
Pagosa Springs 81147
Palisade 81526
Paonia 81428
Parker 80138
Parshall 80468
Pike Ntl Forest 00027
Placerville 81430
Pleasant View 81331
Pueblo 81001
Pueblo 81005
Rangely 81648
Red Feather Lakes 80545
Ridgway 81432
Rifle 81650
Rocky Ford 81067
Rush 80833
Rye 81069
Saguache 81149
Salida 81201
Sanford 81151
Sedalia 80135
Sedgwick 80749
Seibert 80834
Silverthorne 80498
Silverton 81433
Springfield 81073
Steamboat Springs 80487
Sterling 80751
Stratton 80836
Telluride 81435
Toponas 80479
Trinidad 81082
Vail 81657
Walden 80480
Walsenburg 81089
Walsh 81090
Ward 80481
Westcliffe 81252
Wheat Ridge 80033
Winter Park 80482
Woodrow 80757
Wray 80758
Yuma 80759